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Drawing the Sheridan Glacier and its meltwaters.  Copper river Delta, Cordova, Alaska. September 8th 2024

Alaska, September 2024



For many years I’ve been involved with the Artists for Nature Foundation (ANF), and for a while have been its vice-president. In 1995 ANF organised for twenty two artists from eleven countries (I was one of them) to work in the Copper River Delta and Prince William Sound areas of Alaska.  The aim was to create work that would draw attention to, as well as celebrate and support, the protection of the area's magnificent resources and cultural diversity.

This year the Native Conservancy based in Cordova, a small city at the head of Orca Inlet on the east side of Prince William Sound, got in touch to suggest a follow-up project to run from 2025 to 2027.  A few weeks back In late August / early September I visited Alaska, along with ANF director Ysbrand Brouwers, to discuss the idea and see what new opportunities there might be.

There wasn't a lot of spare time to sit and work on my own sketches and drawings, but I was taken up in a small plane and flown over the delta and sound and these are some of the drawings I made on the flight.  



I had a very small set of watercolours with me in the aircraft, and which I have used in some extremely restricted situations in the past.  But jammed into the front seat with a sketchpad on my knees and next to the pilot I didn't feel it sensible to start opening my tiny water bottle and squeezing a dab of colour onto a little palette!  Should have had a bunch of coloured pencils with me!









I was commissioned a year ago to provide the jacket artwork for a forthcoming book about an extinct bird - the Great Auk.

I’d researched the Great Auk a decade ago when asked to create something for the Ghosts of Gone Birds project.  It was a major multimedia art exhibition in London aiming to throw light on the increasing loss of bird species across the world. More than 80 contemporary artists, sculptors, musicians, writers, and poets were each asked to produce a new piece of art inspired by an extinct bird and celebrating its life.  The species allocated to me was the Great Auk Pinguinis impennis.

Both projects required a lot of research.  This time I needed to understand more about  its bill structure, gape colour, plumage detail, especially the bold white mark on the head around the lores.  I came across an image of the only known drawing of a living bird, which is by an artist living in the Faroe Islands who captured the bird in 1655 and kept it as a pet.  The drawing shows the posture and some of the summer plumage detail, but it is difficult to see characteristics of the Great Auk’s wing which I particulalrly needed to see. Is it vestigial or like a fully formed wing - only smaller? 

I’ve seen flightless Steamer Ducks in the Falklands with a wing which looks exactly like a wing for flight, but stubby and not powerful enough to lift a hefty looking barrel-bodied Steamer Duck into the air!  I’ve handled many hundreds of Gentoo and Macaroni penguins and felt the painful powerful swipe of a tapered, flattened flipper that is more like a fin than a wing! 

Looking at film of Razorbills underwater it is possible to see how the Great Auk’s nearest living relative ‘fly’ through the water column turning and diving with extreme agility without any instantly obvious extra twist of the wing shape or push of the rudder-like legs trailing behind – again, swimming just like penguins do!

For my various re-imaginings I wanted to breathe a little life back into the magnificent and extinct Great Auk.  I could draw a great deal from my research material and remember my own experiences handling penguins in a sub-Antarctic penguin colony 50 years ago and seeing them underwater.  I also had contemporary knowledge from dozens of sketching expeditions to see auks on UK cliffs, and from sailings across North Atlantic waters and visits to St. Kilda and Greenland, I had gained an understanding of the remote and stormy marine environment where Great Auks once lived.  I could imagine them in a ‘feeding frenzy’ slicing through huge ‘bait balls’ of cod, herring, or capelin.  Perhaps thousands of them forming huge rafts, surfacing for an instant then descending again beneath a rolling North Atlantic swell to feed again.

Pulling all these threads together to create my own image of the Great Auk I’ve made a sequence of drawings as if I was actually at sea, sketching them from life; it must have been like this!

Jacket artwork for new book






There they are!  A small raft of them sitting low in the water (as penguins do), they are ahead of us as we nose our boat in closer to the towering cliffs.  There are lines of razorbills and guillemots along every ledge and high above the black and white cross shapes of gannets soar against the grey tones of cloud and cliff as multitudes of kittiwakes swirl through them in a chaos of massed birds.  Beyond us the sheer cliffs of these remote North Atlantic islands vanish behind a dark grey veil of cloud as a squall passes.

Just ahead Great Auks are splashing and rolling as they bathe close to shore before breaking off in groups hurtling through the surging swell to land (just as penguins do.  They scramble awkwardly over the rocks up to where rows and rows of them, a raucous mass of birds stacked against the cliffs.

On the surface of the rolling swell there are Great Auks everywhere; I can see them streaking by underwater - swirls of bubbles spinning from wings and compact bodies moving torpedo-like beneath the waves, wings out powering along, large feet trailing, turning suddenly diving deeper (like Razorbills do).  Once upon a time it must have been like this all across the cold waters of the North Atlantic!

I wanted to convey the sheer beauty and sense of energy in what must have been one of the world’s greatest wildlife spectacles - a mass of Great Auks gathered in a feeding frenzy in the cold waters of the North Atlantic just a few hundred years ago.  Like the legendary Dodo, the loss of the Great Auk has become more than just a symbol of extinction.  It conveys a deep sadness not only for the loss such a beautiful creature, but also of a profound spectacle that is now missing from the Natural World for ever.



© 2024 Bruce Pearson.  All rights reserved.